The Chelmsford Marquetry Group
The Group
The Chelmsford Marquetry Group was formed in 1983 when Alan Townsend, now a leading UK Marquetarian, was instrumental in the setting up of the group. With around 35 members, it is now one of the largest in the UK with the majority of the members also belonging to the National Society.
The Chelmsford Group support the National Society with a large entry in the National Exhibition which they have hosted 6 times. The Group has been very successful in winning the Inter-Group Shield 19 times and has had 15 Rose Bowl winners.
New members are always welcome and receive tuition and help until they can work on their own. With so many experts in our membership, help and advice is always on hand for beginners and anyone else who needs assistance as they progress to more ambitious projects. From time to time a series of informative demonstrations are given using our digital projector and presentation camera.
Meetings take place every Thursday evening (apart from a Christmas break), at The Beryl Platt Centre, 12-14 Redwood Drive, off Ongar Road, Writtle, Chelmsford, CM1 3LY. We begin at 7.00pm and finish by 9.00pm.
Anyone interested is welcome to come along and look around but please contact our secretary first in case we do not have a cutting evening.
Our mini “shop” sells most marquetry items and also has a wide selection of veneers. The group also has a large number of design source books and instructional DVDs available to members on loan.
Yearly subscription is just £10.00 and weekly attendance subs are £4.00 (including refreshments).
For more information and to find out more about our group please contact our secretary Karen Cooper.
Thank you for visiting our website.