A Happy

Sproughton Xmas title

Sproughton Group were asked to provide and decorate a Christmas tree for the local church Tree and Crib festival, the decorations to relate in some way to the nature of the group.

We decided to do marquetry Christmas tree figures and found various designs in a Search Press book. The group has more children (all girls) than adults and when they found the ban on the use coloured woods was lifted, they took to the project with enthusiasm and showed more freedom of expression in their work than most of the adults. We only had three weeks to complete the work but one girl did two.

Fortunately, two coats of sanding sealer a rub down with wire wool and wax, was the only finish needed so we were able to complete sixteen decorations.

A quickie project that almost everyone in the group contributed to.

Sproughton Santas
The Sproughton Group's wonderfully coloured marquetry Santas


Sproughton Christmas Tree
The marquetry Santas on the Christmas Tree - a superb seasonal display

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