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Welcome to page 12 of our Memory Lane feature where you will find lots more exhibits from
the early days of the marquetry movement and the formation of our Society.

Here we have a package of "Exotic" marquetry veneers from the 1960's.

Veneer supplies in those days was rather different to the methods we use today.
No internet or EBay in those days, you had to send your postal order off
and hope for the best with the veneers you were sent!
In this case they were very good examples we are pleased to say.

Anyway, please do enjoy this wonderful find from marquetry's formative years
along with us, thank you :

Acajou Veneers
The "Exotic" marquetry veneers priced at 10/-6d or 52.5p in today's money.

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If any of you, our readers, have any items you would think suitable for this page,
would you photograph them and send the picture to us by either e-mail
(as jpeg pictures) or, if an actual photo, to our "Contact Us" address.
We will be very pleased to display suitable "Memory Lane"
items on this page for everyone to enjoy.

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